Key locations within the arts building such as entrances, atriums, lecture halls, and rooftop terraces have been rotated to create clear sight lines back towards a specific part of campus. The floor rotations also maximize light in art spaces while minimizing light in computer labs and black-box theatres.

Level 1. Both theatres share a grand double height lobby on the east that connects to a secondary lobby and refreshment area on the west.

Level 2. Above the theatres are a series of rehearsal, dance, art, classroom, and student spaces. This floor features a rooftop terrace and the start of an atrium that winds through the rest of the building.

Section cutting through the central atrium. The building incorporates large wood staircases between each floor with necessary fire stairs located at either corner. The main lobby features a set of mass timber angled V columns.

The central atrium, with internal stairs, lets in light from the clerestory window skylight.

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