The cube is sliced into 50 even layers which creates a unique plan for every level.

This project tackles the ephemeral qualities of light as it interacts with physical matter. In this instance, a solid cube is manipulated using the geometry of a Voronoi diagram. Voronoi refers to a type of tessellation pattern where points scattered on a plane subdivide into exactly n cells enclosing a portion of the plane that is closest to each point. The pattern can be found in nature, such as in cells or a giraffe’s coat.

Grasshopper script to generate the cube's geometry.

A grasshopper script was created to calculate the dimensions of each cell and loft a three-dimensional curve over the cells. The end result of this generative process was an overlapping and congealed form where the void space acts as interior rooms and openings for light to pass through. Functionally, these spaces offer a range of uses - from intimate niches for contemplation to large open areas suitable for gatherings or exhibitions. The interplay between solid and void transforms the original solid cube into an organic structure that engages with the visual senses and the experience of light.

3D printed model of the Voronoi script.

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